Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Lunatic Blames Blacks for mortgage crisis

Congresswoman Michele Bachman(Republican of course)From Minnesota actually blamed Blacks for the current mortgage crisis(CLICK HEADER TO READ ACTUAL ARTICLE) Now I'll level with you all....I've heard these rumblings for a few weeks now from friend,foe & racists.It's a bunch of nonsense..Blacks have historically been the scapegoat of this nations ills(Easy Target) But damn,give it a rest everytime things get rough or the economy goes in the tank it's almost a reflex to blame "People Of Color" Not just Blacks but Hispanics alike (Refer to America's Immigration issues) If the lenders,Wall Street(Gordon Geccos) & unqualified credit risks took these mortgages and blew it they should be EQUALLY accountable....EQUALLY. Blacks make up roughly 13% of the population / Hispanics about 15% / Whites 80%..now how in the Hell a small percentage of the 13% able to ruin a nations economy? Turn off FoxNews and use your brain!


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