Tuesday, October 14, 2008

"Who are we?"

The conscious of America will be judged on November 4th 2008.It is disgraceful that in 2008 there are "So-Called" American can still believe Sen.Obama is a terrorist,a sleeper cell,not american enough,and any other disgusting thing you can think of.Also,who the hell said being a Muslim was a bad thing? Why is being a Muslim disqualify you from being a President,patriot,or even a good person? Listen,we all know the brutal history of America all too well and how African Americans have been treated and continue to be treated in America.But WE have got better as a people on November 4th.It's in our childrens-childrens best interests to elect a Democrat as President Of The United States of America.We got duped in 2000 and hoodwinked in 2004(IT WAS STOLEN) But look at the video attached and see in 2008 how ignorant & ill-informed some Americans trully are.They absolutely drank the Republican/Hate Kool-Aid,,,it's appalling


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